In telephone communications, integrated circuits in digital filters will separate channels on multiplex equipment. 电话通信领域,数字滤波器中的集成电路将在多路传输设备上有单独的通道。
Specifications for synchronous digital hierarchy ( SDH) multiplex equipment GB/T16712-1996同步数字体系(SDH)复用设备技术要求
Then, the pulse density of the binary sequence from the 8448 kb/ s digital multiplex equipment using 2048 kb/ s primary group PCM is estimated, and the quasi-bit sequence independence of 8448 kb/ s digital channel is definitely described. 然后估计使用2048kb/sPCM基群的8448kb/s数字复用设备发送的数字序列的脉冲密度,并对8448kb/s数字通道的准比特序列独立性作具体的陈述。
It can be used in colour digital television conference system, digital microwave channel equipment, optical fibre equipment or multiplex equipment. 这两种接口可分别用于彩色数字会议电视系统和数字微波信道设备、光纤设备或复接设备。
The digital multiplex equipment using the modelling method for positive/ zero/ negative justification which has reduced the jitter greatly is being applied in our country. 正/零/负码速调整数字复接设备采用输出抖动小的模型法正/零/负码速调整方法。这种复接设备国内正在推广应用。
Jitter Analysis of Digital Multiplex Equipment 数字复用设备的抖动分析
An account is given of the principles and implementation of the digital multiplex channel Weaver complex modulation, and a discussion made on the differences between the modulation and the traditional power line carrier equipment. 文中介绍了多路数字韦瓦复调制的原理、实现方法及其与传统载波机的区别。